jueves, 18 de junio de 2009


jueves 11 de junio de 2009

Exposiciones de los Trabajos de Iniciación a la Investigación. Con Cambios
Si no hay cambios imprevistos, el orden de las exposiciones de los Trabajos de Iniciación a la Investigación de 1º será el siguiente:

18 de junio, 19´00 h.: "Medicina: visión histórica, errores y "serendipia".Isabel Guerrero y Mari Cruz Macario

19 de junio, 12´00 h.: "Historia y evolución del Canon de Belleza". Ana Pérez y Eva Mª Ortíz.

22 de junio, 12´00 h.: "Movimiento y cultura underground".Chema Conesa

22 de junio, 17´00 h.: "La cultura hippie". Sebastián García

22 de junio, 19´00 h.: "Origen y evolución del Ku Klux Klan". Katherine Rodríguez

23 de junio, 10´00 h.: "Las células madre: usos y aplicaciones". Enrique Cedeño

23 de junio, 12´00 h.: "Panorámica histórica de la anorexia y sus factores sociales".Almudena Guillén

23 de junio, 17´00 h.: "Mitología y ritos funerarios en el Egipto antiguo".Soledad Gallego y Sergio Illán

Como sabéis, la composición de cada tribunal está pendiente de alguna confirmación.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

the ethunasia

The ethunasia

Euthanasia (from the Greek meaning "well death": eu- (well or good) AND thanatos (death)) . Many different forms of euthanasia can be distinguished, including animal euthanasia and human euthanasia, and within the latter, voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide have been the focus of great controversy in recent years.

The euthanasia is a problem in this society but I am agree with it in some situation.
For example, when the people is in vegetative state I think that those don’t really have life, because the people don’t think, eat, drink, either feel and those isn’t life for me. In this case, I agree with administrating euthanasia but other people disagree.

In my opinion, all people have the right to a worthy dead whenever it’s in a vegetative state or when the people have an incurable and much painful illness and he don’t doesn’t want be alive. I think what if it is his/her decision, he/she is in his/her right.

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Euthanasia Enrique.


The Euthanasia refers to the practice of ending a life with painless manners.

in my opinion you should give the chance to someone that is having a tough life that is going to his end soon and he is just having a phew more months of life in hospital with constant pains and no moving

There are laws around the entire world and different cultures but not all get to an agreement

There should not be ethical purposes but I think that the answer should be said by the man who risk his life and not by someone that says that you can’t suicide and you have to live for a certain time suffering your last days

If it counts for anything there should be a law where you or your family should chose about your own life.

sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009



Rewrite the following sentences into the two posible PASSIVE ways.

They don’t pay nurses much money.
- Much money is not paid to nurses.
- Nurses are not paid much money.

The government is offering them a 1% pay rise for next year.
- A 1% pay rise is being offered to them by the government for next year.
- They are being offered a 1% pay rise for next year by the government.

The Minister might give them a further rise in two years.
- A further rise might be given to them in two years by the Minister.
- They might be given a further rise in two years by the Minister.

The Minister has promised them other work improvements.
- Other work improvements have been promised to them by the Minister.
- They have been promised other work improvements by...

The nurses have sent the Minister a letter with their demands.
- A letter with their demands has been sent to the Minister by the nurses.
- The Minister has been sent a letter with the nurses' demands.

By the end of the month, the nurses will have received an answer to their demands.
- By the end of the month, an answer to the nurses' demands will have been received by them.

Let me know any doubts in your comments.

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009

Answers to Revision of Modal Verbs

SIMPLE MODAL VERBS. 1º Bachillerato

Use a possible modal verb with the verbs in brackets in their correct affirmative or negative form.

1. Although he was very tired, he was able to reach (reach) the top of that mountain.
2. Do you know where Jim is?
He may be reading (read) in his bedroom.
3. In my opinion, you should tell (tell) it to your parents. They will give you advice.
4. Our teacher told us we had to study (study) much for this exam.
5. There are already enough people, so you don’t have to come (not / come) tomorrow if you don’t want to.
6. They must arrive (arrive) soon. They stop work earlier than other days.
7. When I was eighteen, I could play (play) basket very well.
8. I have to come (come) back home earlier tonight or my parents will get angry.
9. David can ride (ride) horses very well, but yesterday, he wasn’t able to do (not / do) it because he had harmed his leg.
10. I think you shouldn’t smoke (not / smoke) so much. It’s dangerous for your health.
11. `You mustn’t go out (not / go out) these days and stay in bed until you get better´. The doctor told me.
12. I have been able to dance (dance) since I was very young.
13. You must / should / can come (come) and see us if you ever come to New York again.
14. You must clean up (clean up) your room before going out.


Use the correct perfect or simple form of a suitable modal verb with the verbs in brackets.

1. I think you are not still prepared. You should train (train) a bit more.
2. Where is Lloyd? / I´m not sure but he may be (be) at the library.
3. My sister could have passed (pass) the test easily but she was ill when she had to do it.
4. It is very rare that Roger is not here at the party. / Well, he must / may have forgotten (forget) it. He is very absent-minded.
5. Linda could speak (speak) French very well as a child but now, she can’t say (not / say) a word in that language.
6. You should have visited (visit) the doctor when I told you but didn’t and now you are worse.
7. Mary doesn’t have to go (not/go) to work tomorrow. She has got her boss’s permission.
8. Robert is not at home at the moment. He must have left (leave) to work earlier than usual.
9. “You must speak (speak) lower in class when you are doing activities in group.” The teacher told her students.
10. The road is very fine today. They must have repaired (repair) it not long ago.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Revision of Simple and Perfect Modal Verbs

Do the following exercises and check it in two days.

SIMPLE MODAL VERBS. 1º Bachillerato

Use a possible modal verb with the verbs in brackets in their correct affirmative or negative form.

1. Although he was very tired, he ____________________ (reach) the top of that mountain.
2. Do you know where Jim is?
He _____________________ (read) in his bedroom.
3. In my opinion, you _____________________ (tell) it to your parents. They will give you advice.
4. Our teacher told us we _____________________ (study) much for this exam.
5. There are already enough people, so you _____________________ (not / come) tomorrow if you don’t want to.
6. They _____________________ (arrive) soon. They stop work earlier than other days.
7. When I was eighteen, I _____________________ (play) basket very well.
8. I _____________________ (come) back home earlier tonight or my parents will get angry.
9. David _____________________ (ride) horses very well, but yesterday, he _____
____________ (not / do) it because he had harmed his leg.
10. I think you _____________________ (not / smoke) so much. It’s dangerous for your health.
11. `You _____________________ (not / go out) these days and stay in bed until you get better´. The doctor told me.
12. I _____________________ (dance) since I was very young.
13. You _____________________ (come) and see us if you ever come to New York again.
14. You _____________________ (clean up) your room before going out.


Use the correct perfect or simple form of a suitable modal verb with the verbs in brackets.

1. I think you are not still prepared. You _____________________ (train) a bit more.
2. Where is Loyd? / I´m not sure but he _____________________ (be) at the library.
3. My sister _____________________ (pass) the test easily but she was ill when she had to do it.
4. It is very rare that Roger is not here at the party. / Well, he _____________________ (forget) it. He is very absent-minded.
5. Linda _____________________ (speak) French very well as a child but now, she ____________________ (not / say) a word in that language.
6. You _____________________ (visit) the doctor when I told you but didn´t and now you are worse.
7. Mary _____________________ (not/go) to work tomorrow. She has got her boss´s permission.
8. Robert is not at home at the moment. He ____________________ (leave) to work earlier than usual.
9. “You _____________________ (speak) lower in class when you are doing activities in group.” The teacher told her students.
10. The road is very fine today. They _____________________ (repair) it not long ago.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009

Solucionario del libro de matemáticas

He encontrado una página web en la que viene el solucionario del libro de matemáticas, donde se pueden comprobar las soluciones de todos los ejercicios de la unidad y vienen resueltos.

Espero que os sirva, aunque es un poco tarde para el examen de mañana.

Pincha aquí

Simple Modal Verbs

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Encuentro Bachiller de Investigación

Copio el enlace que hay en el blog de Santiago con las fotos del encuentro que tuvimos con los demás Bachilleratos de Investigación.


Un saludo

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009


Aquí subo el trabajo que hice yo sobre el presente continuo y el presente simple.
Fue el que expuse en clase, cualquier duda podéis preguntarme.
Espero que os sirva!

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009


Haber las fotos de la cena del sábado las he metido en el tuenti, no las he metido todas por que si no Ana me mata con algunas los que las quieran todas que me lo digan el lunes por la mañana y por la tarde se las paso en el pen.

sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009

Buen trabajo

Buen trabajo Sergio, espero que el blogg sea una buena herramienta de trabajo y de comunicación académica y personal entre profesores y alumnos.
Pepe Naranjo.

Answers to Revision of Relatives exercise



Make relative sentences joining the ones given.

1. We visited our parents’ house. We used to live there when we were children.
- We visited parents’ house, where we used to live when we were children.
2. They met the director. They had just seen his film.
- They met the director whose film they had just seen.
3. I have just read the book. I borrowed it from Lucy.
- I have just read the book (that) I have borrowed from Lucy
4. She will never forget her first trip abroad. She was a child then.
- She will never forget her first trip abroad, when she was a child.
5. The children are very well-behaved. We are looking after them.
- The children (that/whom) we are looking after are very well-behaved.
6. There is the boy. We met him yesterday.
- There is the boy (that/whom) we met yesterday.
7. This painting is an original. I bought it two years ago.
- This painting is an original (which/that) I bought two years ago.
8. Richard is my cousin. He dances beautifully.
- Richard, who is my cousin, dances beautifully.
- Richard, who dances beautifully, is my cousin.
9. Let’s find a café. We can talk there.
- Let’s find a café where we can talk.
10. Laura has a very interesting private library. Her father gave her most of the older books.
- Laura, whose father gave her most of the older books, has a very interesting private library.

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

Trabajo Relative Clauses

Isabel María Guerrero Lozano B1IC

Tutorial para subir trabajos.

Bien, aprobechando nuestro descanso entre exámenes, pondré un "tutorial" para que os manejeis a la hora de subir un trabajo, y que esto vaya cogiendo cuerpo.

Para esto debes entrar en http://www.slideshare.net/upload

Para comenzar pulsaremos en: Browse and select files...

A continuación se nos abrirá una ventanita en la que buscaremos el trabajo o archivo que queramos subir, una vez localidado, lo seleccionamos y pulsamos "Abrir"

Al pulsar abrir nuestro archivo comenzará a subirse

Cuando termine nos saldrá un cuadro de dialogo, tendremos que pulsar en "Publish"

Comenzará a cargar y una vez terminado pulsamos en "here"

Esperamos unos minutos y actualizamos la página (F5), al actualizar nos saldrá nuestro trabajo, pulsamos en su nombre

Seguidamente nos llevará a una página. En la parte derecha aparecerá un "link"

Lo seleccionamos todo y lo copiamos en la entrada del blog en la que queramos colocar nuestro trabajo. (Fijaos que está completamente seleccionado, es bastante largo)

Bueno, espero que sirva de ayuda y que tambien sirva de excusa para que lleneis esto de trabajos y curiosidades.

Un saludo y buen fin de semana.


jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009


This is a link from which you can download the file about connectors as a free user.


miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Useful Intructions for Relative Clause Rewriting

Useful instructions to rewrite and make up Relative Clauses.

• Identify the ANTECEDENT. Drag the relative clause next to it and leave out any unnecessary word.

• Choose the appropriate RELATIVE PRONOUN: watch out its function in the sentence (Subject, Object, Place, Time, Reason, Possession) and the category of its antecedent (Thing or person).

• Omit the pronoun whenever it is possible (Just in DEFINING CLAUSES).

• Place the preposition after the verb in the relative clause.

Correct the mistakes.

1. There was an old picture who was burnt in the fire.
2. The girl to I was talking was my friend.
3. The girl was my friend who came to the party.
4. That was a picture whom I bought in an antique shop.
5. The girl which I met in the party was my cousin.

Can you omit the relative pronoun in any of the sentences above?



Try this exercise. I will load up the answers in three days.

Make relative sentences joining the ones given.

1. We visited our parents’house. We used to live there when we were children.
2. They met the director. They had just seen his film.
3. I have just read the book. I borrowed it from Lucy.
4. She will never forget her first trip abroad. She was a child then.
5. The children are very well-behaved. We are looking after them.
6. There is the boy. We met him yesterday.
7. This painting is an original. I bought it two years ago.
8. Richard is my cousin. He dances beautifully.
9. Let’s find a café. We can talk there.
10. Laura has a very interesting private library. Her father gave her most of the older books.

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Calendario de exámenes

Hola a todos, he puesto en el margen derecho del blog un calendario para que podais consultar los exámenes, excursiones, fiestas y trabajos que tengamos. Poco a poco lo iré completando y mejorando.

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

Trabajo: Fibonacci

Trabajo de investigación para la Primera Evaluación de Matemáticas sobre Leonardo Fibonacci y su famosa sucesión.

Por: Sergio Illán

Trabajo: Altruismo

Trabajo en el que se enfrenta el Determinismo biológico y la Sociobiología, referente al tema del altruismo.
Consta de presentación Power Point y archivo World.

Por: Jose María Conesa y Sergio Illán.

PD: De momento solo pongo el documento de texto, ya pondré la presentación cuando investigue como.

Física y Química

Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Física y Química.

Educación Física

Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Educación Física.

Lengua Castellana y Literatura

Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Lengua Castellana y Literatura.

Ciencias para el Mundo Contemporáneo

Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Ciencias para el Mundo Contemporáneo.


Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Matemáticas.

Dibujo Técnico

Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Dibujo Técnico.


Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Filosofía.


Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Biología.


Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Inglés.


Información y trabajos sobre la asignatura de Investigación.


En construcción


Al blog de 1º de Bachillerato de Investigación del IES Francisco de Goya.
Aquí colgaremos alumnos y profesores trabajos o información interesante que podremos utilizar todos.